My New Website

Posted on by Luke Whritenour Go back home 👉

Well, I’ve developed a new website. Only for about the fifteenth time, I’ve recreated a website I have probably no need for. I’m not an avid blogger, and I don’t forsee that changing. If it does, perhaps this site will have some new, greater purpose.

Until I do become a blogger, this place will most likely serve as a playground for announcing new projects, tracking ideas, and perhaps the occasional adventure log—be that in programming or some other domain.

In every iteration, this site has included an About section—which I’ve always despised writing, maybe a list of projects I’ve worked on, and a neglected blog. This site is truly not much different, but it was something to do.

I built this website using Hugo. After attempts of building my own static site generator (and never getting it right), and trying Zola, Pelican, Jekyll, and more, I ended up right back where I started, with Hugo.

Still, I don’t believe Hugo is perfect, and I still want to try and resurrect Scarecrow (my aforementioned home-made SSG). Until that day comes, though, Hugo is truly not all that bad. It does it’s job well, I simply find it’s interface cumbersome—as with many other alternatives.

Perhaps if I do renovate Scarecrow, I’ll publish an article outlining my approach to it’s interface. To put it simply: most static site generators simply do too much, and include scores of unnecessary features or odd behaviors.